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Decor Ideas for an Eclectic Taste – Embrace Bold Design with Maximalism Modern living – Painting Companies in Colorado

While minimalist design has been popular for the past ten years, maximalism is displacing it. An eclectic mash-up of patterns, colors, designs, and things, usually with at least a modicum of structure, is what this type of interior design is exactly what it sounds like it is. Maximalism is centered on an eclectic mix of design choices, but it doesn’t entail filling one’s home to the brim with ornaments and clutter. There are still artistic techniques to make sure your room doesn’t look “messy,” even while it advocates being a little less rigorous about the quantity of things in any particular location. The same internal harmony that many people associate with minimalist trends can nevertheless be achieved through a well-executed maximalist approach.


Like the majority of interior design trends, maximalism can be successfully used in more deliberate design-required smaller areas like apartments or college dorms. Despite the trend’s appearance, strategic thinking is not just for the well-traveled or those with vast finances; it is required when space is restricted.

Take Pride in Your Green Thumb

Although it may be instinctual to assume that “maximalism” equates to “inanimate objects,” there are actually a wide range of options when it comes to luxuriating in interior spaces. Plants are one of these options that adds color, liveliness, and, per some research, betters mood and mental wellness. Naturally, adding plants to a room can either be deliberate or impulsive. These striking additions can blend in with the color scheme of the room or simply appear naturally in open spaces like windowsills, shelves, or pieces of furniture. Not all plants must especially be grown indoors, while it is much simpler to grow and care for plants with special requirements indoors and in climate-controlled environments.


On the other hand, if you prefer plants that require less continual care and more natural growth, consider including elements like window boxes, patio gardens, or even miniature herb gardens on kitchen countertops. These can still offer the atmosphere you want while requiring less effort on your part. As a way to tie everything together, you may also think about placing decorations with a floral or plant motif around the plant life.


Mix patterns, textures, and colors.

When designing a balanced maximalist space, it’s important to avoid just adding more “things” and instead make use of interesting wall paint, wallpaper, furniture, and other textures that can offer visual appeal without taking up too much room. Consider these options for color palettes that are pleasing visually and in terms of the “moods” they can elicit when choosing colors for the walls, the floor, the ceiling, entrances, or furniture.

Based on color psychology, some of these interior hues include:


  • Cool colors like blue and others are comforting;


  • Reds and warm colors might elicit stronger feelings;


  • Yellow is upbeat and vibrant;


  • Orange is a happy color;


  • The soothing nature of neutral tones might act as a “break” from excessive stimulus.


Making decisions based on your mood naturally results in the creation of a welcome environment that is also aesthetically beautiful.


Consider every area of your house.

While including maximalist options throughout the entire house can provide balance in terms of both the design and just general living, it may feel more natural to concentrate more on regions of the house where visitors spend the most time.


Ameritek Painting is a Colorado painting company and we can help you to reach your Maximalist goals. We bring your dream colors to life. Call today for a FREE consultation. One of the highest ranked Painting Companies in Colorado


Painting Companies in Colorado